【Award】 第60回富士フイルムフォトコンテスト ネイチャー部門 銅賞



I am pleased to announce that my work “Stage of Awakening” won the Bronze Prize in the Nature Category of the 60th Fujifilm Photo Contest (FY2021). The contest is one of the most prestigious photo contests in Japan, with over 35,000 entries every year.

【Award】 Nature’s Best Photography ASIA LANDSCAPE HIGHLY HONORED

この度、私の作品「A Winter Sketch」がNature’s Best Photography ASIA(ネイチャーズベストフォトグラフィーアジア)のLANDSCAPE でHIGHLY HONORED を頂きました。


My work A Winter Sketch received HIGHLY HONORED at LANDSCAPE in Nature’s Best Photography ASIA. It will be the Asian version of Nature’s Best, the world’s top two photo contests.


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